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The wrestling giraffe takes down its foes with benevolence and a kind heart. Its finishing move is the gentle ossicone. Its sworn enemy is the Uddertaker.

Two old friends dance together thus incrementing their number of shared experiences.

Here's a cat for you Mr. King. The cat likes to eat cactus.

The crocodile runs. The horse runs. They run together.

the turtle has a garden of ice cream. the turtle brings us together.

You won’t find the eel in the sea. You won’t find the eel in the river. You won’t find the eel in the water. The eel is inside you.

my cat is blue and has buttoney eyes. my cat doesn’t purr because it is not hungry. whee.

like february waiting for more innocence. its flicker never ends. it falls in the lake.

the rooster listens to its favorite music and a fuse burns.

the music will be safe henceforth. the knight protects it. turn it on.

the dromedary cannot be found anywhere for it is in hide.

Tenga Persona Distinguida. Aqui le dejamos este caiman. Tenga cuidado que no queremos que se lo coma. Evitar que se lo coma es de suprema importancia.

It talks to its friend Whitman who is on the moon. It celebrates everything it sees or is, and sings and laughs, and denies nothing.

Me gusta su martillo. Hagame el favor de prestarmelo. Tenga usted. Gracias señor carpintero. Esta en muy buen estado.

iseniborider! no. nobaris jer. eribori. eribori. eribori. eribori. torontontornton. pan. pan. pan.

The greatest substances lead to the greatest experiences. Cantindetol.

Devoted and lasting, the Blue Equine gives a message about patience, harmony and conscientiousness. Thank you for your passion and phlegm Blue Equine!

It is a question that is often asked, but the truth is that alligators and crocodiles agree that they are equal. The alligator-crocodile hostility is fictitious.

Although often ignored, the protist kingdom has a buoyant dating scene.

In retrospect, there were things you may have enjoyed more than a brainwash. I’ll try to do better next time.

The chicken enjoys its favorite mean of transportation: flight. With the power of flight the chicken can traverse long distances in short time.

The universe is not big enough to hold the majestic magnificence of the Intergalactaco. It flies through the cosmos planting the seed of taco in worthy planets. Come back soon Intergalactaco!

The Meeting of the Mammals took place yesterday. In it the mammals talked about a variety of situations that affect all of them. They agreed in the most important points and reached consensus. Mammals in general are much happier now.

La cosa con el destino es que te sorprende cuando menos te lo esperas. Nunca imagino que terminaria asi.

Scientist don’t understand the whole process, but it is believed that lightning is generated by a giant dinosaur that lives in the clouds.

A fish and a fish misinterpreted the significance of the idea but that is not a problem.

With the power to control all gaseous elements, the legendary martial artist fish horse helps those who cannot help themselves. Legendary Martial Artist Fish Horse: Away!

The Wizard will Weaken the Winner who Wears the Wand with Wit.

What is the mammal doing in the amphibian’s head? It is not wearing a shirt.

Some kingdoms should be consolidated to make nature books shorter.

The friendly flatfish finally finds a flower.

Querida Iguana: Los dinosaurios desaparecieron hace mucho tiempo. Las iguanas no estan extintas y todos les damos mucho amor.

He is confined to his own little world. He has parties in his mind.

He may be in route to a successful recovery of a lower back operation, but life is not as exciting as it used to be. Get well Arthritic Dromedary!

This monster has everything: tentacles, fangs and a genuine wish to spread happiness.

The Bagger Horse learns what happened to his friend. What is going through his mind?

There are only two things that can be contrasted in the same way that the toad and the eraser can be contrasted. The parallels are stunning.

When the whale has a headache it puts something cold on top of its head. That makes it feel better.

The Allosaurus needs some comfort for he is sad. Luckily, the Stegosaurus is there to help him. We want you to be happy Allosaurus!

The cat can drive the banana car. Vroom, vroom.

Hooray! The apple has been saved by the whale. Now it’s time to go home and do photosynthesis.

There’s a party in the deep sea and everyone is invited!

Burgers never thought there would be a day when they would collaborate with Poultry. However, the day is here and it is delicious!

A man A rock

A willing carrot on the back of the treehorse serves as a metaphor of the uncompromising virtues of the laloplegia.

Mr. Ballo may be able to see through walls, but Mr. Ballo wishes he had never entered that rocket.

Mr. Toad is on a strict diet of boiled egg. How he misses the delicious flies he used to eat!

La mejor fiesta prehistorica es amenizada por el Tiranosaurio Mex! Sus chistes y ocurrencias deleitan a todos sus amigos.

The Aliens have found a chicken to eat. They insert their a proboscis under the wing and proceed to suck the succulent interior.

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